Three Chinese idioms about people relationships: 人情世故, 左右逢源, 面面俱到...
A Chinese idiom that is used on a crowd – 争先恐后...
A Chinese expression that all rich people would have thought about: 人怕出名猪怕壮...
How to use Chinese expression 八仙过海, 各显神通?...
How to use Chinese idiom 半信半疑 and 半推半就?...
An expression in Chinese 安于现状 defines an attitude towards life...
A bad day word: Chinese idiom 哀声叹气...
Chinese idiom 爱莫能助 – Love to help but can not...
Use 挨家挨户 to express “door to door” in Chinese...
Expression in Chinese to describe people that share similarities (物以类聚, 英雄所见略同)...
To settle a matter by leaving it unsettled – Chinese idiom 不了了之...
“Wind” and “Shadow” that you shouldn’t chase – Chinese idiom 捕风捉影...
Discover ways to say “It’s just right!” in Chinese?...
Do you understand every occurrence of the Chinese characters “大 big” and “小 small”?...
How do Chinese talk about money – Chinese slang and vocabulary about “money” of all kinds...
What can smile do for us? – One Line Chinese...
Fun Chinese characters – stack them up in multi-dimensional thinking!...
Six Chinese idioms about “eternity” illustrated in pictures – 关于”永恒”的话题...
Different ways to talk about people’s intelligence in Chinese...
The common usages of Character “将”...